Blake Ricciardi is a very social person who enjoys making friends and networking. He is also very sensitive to the opinions of others, and can be easily swayed by the praise or criticism he receives. Because of this, he can be a bit unreliable and opportunistic, but he is ultimately kind and caring. He has a natural tendency to find common ground with people, and he is also skilled at diplomacy. Because he loves pleasure and laughter, he is also very good at charming and seducing others.
Blake Ricciardi enjoys pleasure and finds fulfillment in creative activities.
Blake Ricciardi’s psychological, metaphysical, or occult interests are signs of his need to transform or change himself, which might arouse some apprehension in him.
At the time of your birth, your rising sign was located in Sagittarius (the Archer), while the sun was passing through the sign of Libra (the Scales). A summary of the various clues mentioned above provide your personality profile. The following key words capture the essence of your character and indicate certain contradictions which may be sources of tension:
1) Impetuosity – You have a great sense of impulse and are often very quick to act. You are very active and enjoy spending time outdoors.
2) Sociability – You are very friendly and enjoy spending time with others. You are also very liberal-minded, and are often very willing to help others.
3) Adaptability – You are very adaptable, and are able to change your behavior or attitude to fit the situation.
4) Group spirit – You are very friendly and enjoy spending time with others. You also have a great sense of group loyalty.
5) Emotionality – You are very emotional, and often have strong feelings.
6) Impressionability – You are very impressionable, and can be easily influenced by others.
7) Tolerance – You are tolerant, and are able to accept other people’s viewpoints.
8) Analytical mind – You have a sharp analytical mind, and are able to think critically.
9) Peaceful disposition – You have a peaceful disposition, and rarely get angry.
10) Worldly concerns – You are very concerned with worldly matters, such as politics and economics.
Born on the day before the full moon, you have a personality that is full of richness and complexity. You sometimes struggle with the feeling that you are capable of so much more, but if you find a cause that you are devoted to, you will be able to achieve great things. Devotion will be important to you as you work to develop both your inner and outer selves. If you don’t find a cause that you are passionate about, you could always try to find a person who has a magnetic aura. Whatever you decide, it will be by serving others that you will find your true path.
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