What does Billy Idol’s psychology tell us about them?

Billy Idol feels the instincts within him stirring and trying to break free. He realizes that if he doesn’t control them, they will consume him and he’ll become a dark and dangerous person. He needs to restrain and control them, but this will require a fairly ascetic lifestyle. If he wants to achieve a more harmonious development, he’ll need to realize that instincts can be tamed.

Billy Idol has a taste for luxury and magnificence, for a dazzling social life and a distinguished career. When things are going well for him, he tends to think of himself as the center of the universe, an attitude that those close to him do not always appreciate. Although he is quite likely to succeed in his ambition to become wealthy and popular and lead a remarkable life in the outer world, his lack of moderation and overweening self-confidence expose him to some danger. His exaggerated optimism could create difficulties for him by causing him to make errors in judgment.

Billy Idol enjoys sharing and having contact with other people. He tends to be free and uninhibited in his relations with other people, rarely allowing himself to be influenced by convention or prevailing opinion; he associates with whomever he pleases. This attitude makes his life refreshing and exciting, and he is never bored. In career terms, Billy Idol is quite gifted for any field related to communication, where his intellectual singularity and lively wit would make him an amazing hit. He would also be likely to succeed in any activity where the work required a multidisciplinary approach: teaching, advertising, politics, etc.

Billy Idol has an inalienable awareness of the void and the vanity of existence. He is sometimes disoriented and deconstructed by an unknowable, unconscious force and tends to ignore or disparage the superficial pleasures and pains of daily life, preferring to dive into the depths of human experience as deeply as his intellectual, emotional, and spiritual capacities permit. Grappling with his “fundamental nature,” with the deepest and most primitive part of himself, he is sometimes aghast at the discovery of the sheer power of the life instinct and feels an imperious need to cope with it. This special consciousness he has been endowed with is somewhat beyond the bounds of conventional schools of human understanding and thought and may be a source of identity problems for him at the outset. It is not easy for him to recognize himself in any social or narcissistic models or identify with any existing roles or attitudes, so he sometimes finds himself forced to construct and assert his own identity on a basis which may impress others with its intensity, if not its eccentricity.

Billy Idol has a personality that is ruled by his mind. He needs intellectual stimulation in order to feel fulfilled, and is always on the move in search of new contacts. He is curious about all sorts of different subjects, and takes care to inform himself about many things. He enjoys conversation and communication and hopes to be admired for his talent and wit. Due to his wide variety of interests, however, he can be something of a dilettante, and his thinking may sometimes lack discipline.

Billy Idol sometimes fears love. The world of his feelings is characterized by a certain chill and restraint. But he is not unfeeling; on the contrary, his sensitivity is so delicate that he is careful to protect it. His determination to maintain control of his feelings and force his emotions to obey the laws of reason may stand in the way of intimacy and joy.

Billy Idol’s birth chart indicates that he has an emotional function which is usually expressed carefully and reasonably. Distrustful of his emotional urges and somewhat wary of his feelings, he tries to rid himself of all partiality and try to get some perspective and distance before making an emotional commitment.

Billy Idol feels whimsical, charming, impressionable, and inclined to abrupt reversals of his feelings. He finds the idea of committing himself and being tied down to a static relationship repugnant. As a result, he is likely to marry several times and live a thrilling life together.

Billy Idol is attracted to fairly cold and ethereal people despite his strong sex drive. As a result, his emotional life is reduced to a system of restraints, efforts, duties, and self-denials. However, these romantic interests will have a positive influence on his career and will encourage him in his professional ambitions.

Billy Idol has the fiery, importunate nature of a fervent lover. Indeed, affairs of the heart are one of his main purposes in life. His personal charm and magnetism give him nearly irresistible powers of seduction, and nearly every one of his well-aimed attempts at conquest leads to the fulfillment and satisfaction of his desires. Due to his impulsiveness and impatience to initiate new encounters, his approach to potential partners may sometimes lack delicacy.

Billy Idol may be characterized by strong sensual and affectionate urges which drive him to seek pleasure. His need for romantic fulfillment may compel him to marry, because he also seeks the legal and social legitimacy the institution of marriage confers on an emotional bond. Indeed, the household is liable to be prosperous and even opulent, as if this offered further evidence that he had indeed achieved success. However, privately, he might be less committed to certain obligations and duties.

You are an ardent and amorous person, and your relationships are enlivened by intensity and passion. A charmer perpetually engaged in a quest for the ideal love, you are often more in love with the idea of love than with a partner. As a result, your love life may be subject to some instability. You are generally attracted to original people who defy norms, standards, and classifications, and expect them to amaze and fascinate you. Your greatest contradictions surface when an intimate relationship is established. Although you merge your ego entirely into the couple, you are likely to demand a total autonomy and liberty which are inimical to intimacy. If your partner charms and captivates you long enough, there is some possibility that they will form a more solid bond with you; otherwise, you are likely to yield to your need for novelty and fall under the spell of an entirely different person who exerts a new kind of charm for you.

Midlife may be a turning point for you from this point of view. Your contradictory attitude may in some ways hide a compulsion to reject and deny the bonds of dependency inherent to a love relationship. Your behavior enables you to remain aloof, to commit yourself only halfway without consciously admitting it to yourself, and to avoid feeling guilty if and when you lose interest. An insatiable appetite for novelty and exaltation sometimes keeps you from forming stable relationships. Indeed, you are tormented by the struggle between your undeniable need for affection and an equally imperious desire for personal progress and emancipation. As a result of this inner turmoil, your romantic aspirations are usually sabotaged sooner or later by your conviction that your partner has become an obstacle to your individual progress. Because you think of love as a restraint, you may even eventually consciously refuse any emotional approach to love interests. As an ascetic, you will try to deflect the love function from its natural target and use the energy and bliss it generates for other purposes, the process psychologists call sublimation. However, you are also likely to meet “the one” who inspires you to initiate a change in your behavior.

Billy Idol has a great emotional ideal, full of subtlety and tenderness. However, he tends to be overwhelmed by his imagination and may not be selective enough when choosing a partner. His romantic and trusting nature may make him vulnerable. Although he strives to establish peaceful, uncomplicated relations, he sometimes experiences painful disappointments. His artistic delicacy and refinement provide him with a sincere love of the arts, music, and literature. He is likely to be a gifted poet.

You are a very complex individual, full of contradictions. You sometimes feel vulnerable emotionally, so you try to control not only your own feelings and urges, but also to manipulate those of your partners. You aspire to a profound and enduring spiritual unity, but at the same time, the idea of abandoning yourself and yielding to the other terrifies you. This anguish may be a source of rather extreme behavior patterns and a somewhat self-focused attitude which could damage the relationship. Because you are guarded and somewhat secretive, you tend to be suspicious and are especially uneasy about spontaneous intimacy, although you are fascinated by sexuality. Within the privacy of the couple, you will not express your feelings unless you are subject to some tension. Life may be peppered with frequent crises and feuds, arguments and spats which usually act as erotic provocation. This derivation of eroticism from anxiety tends to be one of the fundamental characteristics of your emotional and sexual functioning. As a result, you are likely to be attracted by stormy and complicated relationships.

Billy Idol often thinks about things that are more theoretical than logical and more intuitive than rational. He is attracted to wide open spaces and distant horizons; as a scholar, he feels an affinity for higher studies such as philosophy or law. However, foreign languages or contacts abroad might also interest him.

Billy Idol expresses his thoughts and ideas in direct, spontaneous outbursts. He is fairly extroverted and eager to discover and understand the outer world. An idealist, he looks forward to a bright future but is sometimes subjective and reckless.

Billy Idol:

You sometimes make mistakes in judgment, and your understanding of things is not always in tune with social realities or prevailing opinion. Your judgments tend to be hasty; your decisions are reckless. Moreover, you tend to overestimate your abilities and usually aim higher than might be realistic. Once an enterprise or project is underway, you may try to avoid obstacles by dodging certain duties. Because your vision of the world differs somewhat from social realities, you should be extremely careful and scrupulous in regard to legal matters, in order to avoid any complications of that type. You are sometimes slightly dishonest in your relations; you may break promises or attempt to duck responsibility. However, you should realize that such conduct toward other people is also a form of unconscious self-loathing. If you continue to behave in such a way, you are exposing yourself to the same lack of sincerity from your partners.

Billy Idol has a definite taste for expression and communication. He cannot survive without giving voice to his thoughts and speaking to other people. He delights in his own power to persuade, captivate, and sway an audience with his words. Especially attracted to anything new and original, he immediately grasps the utility and value of the latest technology or philosophy, no matter how complicated it may be, and has a knack for explaining it to the uninitiated and popularizing it. Because he is fairly high strung, he may have trouble concentrating on a single subject for very long, unless it is a source of intellectual fascination or discovery. He may have to make some effort to overcome this inconsistency. His open-mindedness offers him creativity, which is a valuable commodity in many occupations: teaching, communications, advertising, etc. Regardless of the career he chooses, his personal development will involve intellectual activity and progress.

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