What’s Bella0619mypet’s Dominant Astrological Sign?

According to Greek myth, Mercury (or Hermes, whose name derives etymologically from the piles of rocks which marked trails and guided travelers) was the messenger of the gods. He carried orders from Olympus to the mortals on Earth. The child of the illegitimate union of Zeus with Maia, Mercury was born “unknown to the immortal gods” and had to win his place among them by trickery, cleverness, and cunning. This is why he became the vagabond deity of travelers and wanderers. He is the instinctive foe of the settled who see him as an outcast roaming on the outskirts of society: a pariah, a thief, and a swindler. As ruler of the sign of Gemini, the Twins, he symbolizes the brother—the alter-ego who teaches us as much as we teach him and is associated with adolescence, a period of intense intellectual discovery. Mercury thus symbolizes lively, sparkling wit, mobility in any form, mental exchange, and interaction. As a result, a person strongly ruled by Mercury is quite likely to be clever and skillful. If Mercury is “afflicted” in one’s chart, their intellectual velocity may sometimes become mere mental hyperactivity. In any case, these skills are a great resource in the social realm. You communicate easily and effectively, orally or in writing. Your ability to unite and transmit would be a good resource in diplomatic or commercial endeavors.

Venus is the planet of love and attraction. The planet corresponds to the original urge which bonds two human beings together in love. Venus is both the magnetism which brings human beings together (not lust, which is symbolized by Mars, but the object which attracts lust) and the gift of love. This ambiguity is interpreted astrologically by the fact that Venus rules two houses of the zodiac. In Taurus, Venus symbolizes the awakening to bodily lust, and in Libra, the bond of marriage. As a result, Venus may take on very different aspects depending on the individual’s degree of awareness. Likewise, this ambiguity explains Aphrodite’s equivocal conduct in Greek myth and her innumerable couplings and motherhood. Depending on the legend, she may embody brutal, passionate love (with Anteros), the wisdom of the heart which rescues from passion (Harmonia); she also becomes tenderness and purity (with Adonis), pure sexuality (with Eros), a transforming energy (with Vulcan), etc. Mistress of the Arts, she represents beauty, understanding, and peace. Psychologically, individuals under the influence of Venus are struggling with their love instincts. This is why you cannot conceive of living without a personal emotional relationship to someone else and sometimes fears solitude and the encounter with yourself. You are extremely attractive to others and are a creator and artistic genius who seems to imbue all you touch with beauty and harmony. Your artistic skills are obvious to the people around you and may be applied to career endeavors. Pleasure, outings, seduction, love, and a thriving but sometimes superficial social life are the hallmarks of your life.


Jupiter is the planet of success and luck. It is said that this planet brings about a feeling of self-confidence and enables one to expand their horizons and become better acquainted with society. However, it is also said that Jupiter can amplify qualities out of compensation, leading to a neglect of one’s weaknesses and flaws. It is important to be aware of the dangers of over-identifying with your social mask, which could lead to neglecting your inner self and deep nature.

The eleventh house is an area of the sky which is especially important in your theme, because it contains several planets, including the one which rules your rising sign. This means that the planets in this house are especially influential in your life.

This sector of the astral chart is related to the world of friendship. It thus reigns over friends, group projects and aspirations, publicity, politics in a humanitarian cause, customers, hope, help, and assistance. More specifically, this sector symbolizes the power and gratification society grants to an individual in exchange for career activities. For each person, this power is a function of their capacity to work and produce something valuable to the community to which they belong (the country, corporation, etc.). This power may either be used for selfish ends or be re-invested for the elaboration of more cooperative social projects.

From a psychological viewpoint, people with a prominent eleventh house in their birth chart may have to concentrate on being fair and objective in relation to social successes and/or failures. Success could entail efficient use of the power and prestige they have already obtained for more significant projects which are in better harmony with their inner truth. Failure, on the other hand, requires a detailed analysis of its causes. Any mistakes that may have been made are an opportunity for insight. The work of understanding and assuming one’s failures is a positive, constructive way out of a situation of failure.

Bella0619mypet, the seventh house is an area of the sky which is especially important in your theme. In the following paragraph, we shall explain the general meaning of this fact.

According to astrological tradition, the seventh house is related to marriage, contracts, social life, and worldly matters. It can be read for indications about a future marriage partner (the first), and business partners, your “objective allies” as well as your enemies. Diametrically opposed to the Ascendant, the Descendant (the doorway into the seventh house) symbolizes everything that complements you or opposes you. This house thus represents the encounter with the other world, the non-ego. By extension, it embodies all the experiences which result from this encounter: interpersonal relationships, partnerships, marriage, rivalry, contracts, and conflicts, etc. When this area is especially significant, it indicates that a great deal of your energy will be invested in the domain of relationships. Bonds, contracts, partnerships, and perhaps the disputes and conflicts which may arise from them will be prominent aspects of your success. However, you will evolve fastest and learn most from friendships and partnerships. You will have to learn to be objective. Your goal will be to master the interdependency of your relationships, and go beyond a tender and dutiful reciprocity to a truly beneficial mutual exchange and sharing.

The fifth house is an area of the sky which is especially important in your theme. This is because it represents your personal power and success.

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