What does Bae Jae-wook’s psychology tell us about them?

Bae Jae-wook is fairly individualistic. Although he sometimes mingle with groups for their competitive atmosphere, he will rarely join in them wholeheartedly, preferring to work on his own projects independently. A lack of confidence in himself may sometimes create challenges in relationships. His lack of self-esteem may also sometimes inhibit the full expression of his generosity and love.

You are sober and rather reserved and may even strike people as harsh and austere at times. Perhaps you were raised in an atmosphere of rigor and sobriety, and, as a result, grew up very fast. You have acquired a spirit of self-sufficiency, tend to be rather uncompromising, and have a touchy sense of your personal dignity and worth. It is almost as though you were fighting an inner battle with your father or a father figure. The psychological models you received from your father or a father figure as a result of your interaction and your own interaction with authority may not have played a major role in shaping your relationships with the outer world and society. You may thus have been forced to compensate for this with individual determination. As a result, although you are skillful, meticulous, conscientious, and efficient, a lack of self-confidence and personal assurance sometimes makes you timid and hesitant. You sometimes feel as though you are only masquerading as a respectable, sober adult. You tend to be far too critical of yourself and rarely feel satisfied that you are living up to your ideal. These unnecessary guilt feelings may lead you to turn down the prominent career positions for which you are fully qualified. You are aware that early success is often short-lived and fragile and that time rewards those who know how to be patient and persistent, like you.

Bae Jae-wook enjoys sharing and has a constant need for contact with other people. He tends to be free and uninhibited in his relations with other people, rarely allowing himself to be influenced by convention or prevailing opinion; he associates with whomever he pleases. This attitude makes his life refreshing and exciting, and he is never bored. In career terms, he is quite gifted for any field related to communication, where his intellectual singularity and lively wit would make him an amazing hit. He would also be likely to succeed in any activity where the work required a multidisciplinary approach: teaching, advertising, politics, etc.

Bae Jae-wook is someone who has a profound inner life and a prolific imagination, but their energy resources are not always sufficient to follow through on and accomplish their multitude of dreams. They tend to live in osmosis with their environment, and effort and action take a heavy toll on them. Usually, they understand phenomena and events intuitively, without really making any effort; so they are not in the habit of disciplining or shaping their thought processes. Like their thoughts, their personality is rather amorphous and disorganized. As a result of this lack of structure, they may have some trouble asserting their individuality and making some personal contribution to society through their career. Their tendency to shut out reality and dream impossible dreams, like their refusal of responsibility and duty, may be a source of some difficulty for them.

Bae Jae-wook is pragmatic and realistic. He evaluates people and things according to practical, common-sense criteria instead of abstract concepts. A sensualist and lover of luxury, he has a penchant for material comfort and takes great joy in physical pleasures. In relation to others, socially and privately, he likes to build stable relationships and is not especially fond of change. His warmth gives him a great deal of ease when meeting people, as clients (for business purposes), but his close relations also benefit from this affection and his ability to express his feelings naturally and openly.

Bae Jae-wook has a sensitive nature. Although he may sometimes have trouble controlling his emotional reactions, they are nevertheless a source of vital energy for a constructive passion and may make an extremely positive contribution to his career. In relations with other people, he is quite friendly; he willingly reaches out to people and knows how to listen to their desires and their problems.

Because you were born with an innate sense of individuality, you quickly developed an original and independent identity. Your first taste of liberty may have led you to challenge the education and values you received from family and class tradition, and you were able to forge a strong, original personality and philosophy. Your relationships are usually free of conflict, because you are able to reconcile your need for independence with your desire for affection. However, your partners should be open and lively people, able to keep pace with you in your rapid evolution. You have an inspired and extremely lively wit and a brisk interest in the future, technological progress, and new lifestyles. You would be especially successful in communications-related careers like journalism, film, TV, radio, and advertising. Although you are an individualist, you have a powerful desire to contribute to the evolution of society and better its development.

Bae Jae-wook has a very sensitive imagination and can sometimes have trouble distinguishing dreams from reality. Although his imagination can be an abundant source of inspiration for creative or spiritual evolution, he tends to be less helpful and positive in matters that concern earning a decent living out in the real world. In a relationship, he is extremely romantic and does not always see others the way they really are. He has elegant tastes and art and beauty are one of his chief pleasures in life.

Bae Jae-wook is a very complicated person. His sensitivity and emotions are often in conflict with his instincts, and this inner discord makes him a fairly complicated relationship partner. His behavior sometimes strikes others as mysterious or baffling. He is liable to switch from one attitude to the opposite. Sexuality is an important part of his life, and his relationships are most often motivated by his desires. Nevertheless, due to his unconscious inner battle, he does not often succeed in reconciling and fulfilling his emotional and sexual needs. Due to the strength of his instincts, passion may overwhelm him and drag him into situations he cannot always control, which intermingle erotic ecstasy and anguish, guilt, and aggressiveness.

Bae Jae-wook has a sensual and affectionate nature which is sensitive to physical attraction. This type of sensitivity, combined with his productive urges, may be expressed in an artistic form. As for his feelings, they are usually slow to take root. But once he is conquered by love, he forms a deep and lasting bond. Although he is loyal, he may also display a tendency to be somewhat possessive.

Bae Jae-wook has an emotional function which is expressed in a direct and fairly impulsive way. He enjoys reaching out to other people and making discoveries. An eternal teenager with his gaze riveted on the future, he is imbued with an eminently subjective and personal idealism.

Bae Jae-wook has a love of life, gaiety, and sensuality that makes him attractive to others. He has simple tastes which may border on the rustic, but he is pragmatic and realistic, not likely to rush into marriage on a wild impulse. Quite the contrary, he will take his time and plan out every detail, enjoying luxury and entertaining guests. Because he is very sensual, he thrives on family life and nature in general.

Bae Jae-wook is both sentimental and romantic. After a number of romantic relationships in his youth, he will settle down with a partner who is tender and gentle and who can give him the security and comfort he longs for.

Bae Jae-wook may be characterized by strong sensual and affectionate urges which drive him to seek pleasure. His need for romantic fulfillment may compel him to marry, because he also seeks the legal and social legitimacy the institution of marriage confers on an emotional bond. Indeed, the household is liable to be prosperous and even opulent, as if this offered further evidence that he had indeed achieved success. However, privately, he might be less committed to certain obligations and duties.

Bae Jae-wook is an intuitive thinker. He does not reason things out through a long, articulate, logical discourse; instead, he seize the visions or insights that spontaneously flash into his consciousness. He thus has a form of immediate knowledge of various phenomena which is based neither on reasoning nor on any elaborate thought process or method. As a result, if he is an extrovert, he will possess an inventive, innovative spirit gifted for improvisation. If he is an introvert, his mind will be an abundant source of personal inner truths.

Bae Jae-wook expresses his thoughts and ideas in direct, spontaneous outbursts. He is fairly extroverted and eager to discover and understand the outer world. An idealist, he looks forward to a bright future but is sometimes subjective and reckless.

You have a brilliant mind and a talent for thinking deeply and analytically. However, your thought processes tend to be slow because you experienced some difficulty or humiliation in your early years. You are fairly inhibited and pessimistic, and you tend to doubt your own intelligence and skills despite your undeniable gifts. You should become aware that your thought patterns and habits are a sign that you are on the brink of a really big breakthrough, which will give you an understanding of the complexity of things and phenomena. However, it will take time and effort to achieve this. Your mind is deep and accurate, and you are attracted to the essence of things and their fundamental structure. As a result, you are particularly suited to the study of mathematics, architecture, engineering, or perhaps even politics. Your contribution to society will probably be most lasting and effective in the field of knowledge and expertise. Whatever career you choose, you should learn to work alone, because you tend to be uncomfortable in some surroundings. You will also have to learn to conquer your impatience, because you tend to waste time agonizing over deadlines and schedules. Moreover, a lack of self-confidence could cause you to be fairly conventional and respectful of time-honored ways. Instead, you should find the courage to question your convictions.

You have a passion for expression and communication. You cannot survive without giving voice to your thoughts and speaking to other people. You delight in your own power to persuade, captivate, and sway an audience with your words. Especially attracted to anything new and original, you immediately grasp the utility and value of the latest technology or philosophy, no matter how complicated it may be and have a knack for explaining it to the uninitiated and popularizing it. Because you are fairly high-strung, you may have trouble concentrating on a single subject for very long, unless it is a source of intellectual fascination or discovery. You may have to make some effort to overcome this inconsistency. Your open-mindedness gives you creativity, which is a valuable commodity in many occupations: teaching, communications, advertising, etc. Regardless of the career you choose, your personal development will involve intellectual activity and progress.

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