What does Ashley Longshore’s astrological guidance say about their future?

If you want to improve and transform yourself, the first step is to become aware of the weaknesses which may be holding you back and preventing your evolution. These could be things like your pride and short temper, your insatiable need for praise, your need to dominate, or your struggle to tolerate criticism.

Ashley Longshore has a variety of talents, but it can be difficult for her to concentrate on a single task. She is ruled by her nervousness and her suggestibility, and this can sometimes get in the way of her ability to use her adaptive abilities to their full potential. It is essential for her to learn to control her jittery mind if she wants to be successful, or else her nervous system will drain her energy. If Ashley experiences respiratory problems, it will be a sign that she needs to change her approach.

Ashley Longshore is sometimes too impulsive and unrealistic in her efforts to accumulate wealth and social power. Although she engages in life with enthusiasm and confidence and would be capable of developing some truly innovative social concepts, she is held back by her somewhat scattered behavior. She tends to spread herself too thin, juggling so many different activities that she struggles to cross the finish line at times.

Ashley Longshore has deeply anchored emotional needs. Invariably, she tries to revive these sensations from her personal history, clinging to the security provided by the repetition of a feeling which produced a positive effect in the past. Her desire for possession (tangible or emotional) could become a problem, because she may fixate on an object which is negative or bad for her. She will do well to make a conscious effort to overcome this unconscious negative conditioning which may be related to her childhood.

Ashley Longshore tends to be restless and impatient. Your dissatisfaction sometimes compels you to launch yourself into an energetic effort to transform society. Because you have the ability to conceive of fairly radical models for social change, you sometimes demonstrate a desire to spearhead a progressive movement. However, your determination to impose your own ideas forcefully could turn off people you are so eager to help. You will do well to realize that only a transpersonal vision of the world (that is, a vision which transcends your own personal ego problems) is appropriate nourishment for the archetypes which could bring about a real transformation and improvement of social structures.

Ashley Longshore is something of a social butterfly. Although she claims to be looking for a soulmate, it is tough for her to remain interested in any one partner for very long. She enjoys the mental stimulation of bubbly, worldly relationships with a variety of people. If she allows herself to become aware of the scope of her frustration, she might understand that her pleasure-seeking attitude is merely a flight from her true self.

Ashley Longshore follows a drive to live and accomplish her purpose in an intense and immediate way. Whenever she encounters direct resistance, she might find herself beset by frustration. If the resistance lasts, she may eventually be overwhelmed by anxiety, nervous tension, and discouragement. In addition, she has the ability to focus her strength and leadership potential on problems which require immediate solutions. Her lack of patience and persistence may spur problems.

Ashley Longshore’s personality is ruled by her mind, which uses her energy to conceive and create on the abstract plane. She is much more of a idealist than a pragmatist and does not become passionately engaged in human relationships, preferring a variety of casual contacts which demand little of her in return. As a result, it can sometimes be difficult for her to remain in close emotional rapport with another person without feeling hemmed in and stifled. With her peers, her charm makes her popular, and she attracts all sorts of helpful friendships. Due to the ease with which she moves in society and her eloquence, she has undeniable talents for communications and teaching.

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