Aracy Balabanian’s psyche follows an extroverted thrust. She attempts to embody and actualize her ideas and the archetypes she identifies with in her objective life.
Aracy Balabanian is reluctant to team up with others. She is an individualist, attempting to free herself from any outside influence. She is often reluctant to accept help and cooperation from others, only achieving her goals and ambitions through working and acting independently.
Aracy Balabanian follows important social causes or collective ideals, but she resists any project she will not be able to lead herself according to her own individual direction. She identifies herself with an activity with social implications and attempts to know herself through this activity.
Aracy Balabanian has a stable, well-tempered character which is especially likely to protect her from frustrations and allow her to acquire social and professional success without too much effort. However, she must be careful not to take on too many responsibilities and be confident in her ability to accomplish things.
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