What is Antonio Gala’s Personality Type?

Antonio Gala is a very observant person who is attentive to the inner qualities of people and the situations they encounter. He has a strong intuition based on an openness to the other, and so he perceives the group as a whole. Antonio Gala is sometimes perceived as unreliable and untrustworthy due to his opportunism and disloyalty. However, these are superficial characteristics that are based on his psychological needs. Antonio Gala is a skillful diplomat and go-between who is related to his environment through social contacts and friendships. He has a personal code of ethics that reconciles societal norms and his family, friends, and relations’ values. Antonio Gala needs recognition from others in order to feel fulfilled and happy. He has a vital need for others and is often content with a series of short-term affairs. His love interests are skilled at charming him and hinting at promises of greater pleasure in the future. Antonio Gala is skilled at alluding to unnamed urges while appearing to engage in polite conversation.

Antonio Gala thrives in the peace and security of the nest. His spouse and family will be an important part of his life.

Antonio Gala invests all his energy in his relationships and partnerships.

At the time of your birth, your rising sign was located in Sagittarius (the Archer), while the sun was passing through the sign of Libra (the Scales). A summary of the various clues mentioned above provide your personality profile. The following key words capture the essence of your character and indicate certain contradictions which may be sources of tension:

Sociability – Enthusiasm – Adaptability – Group spirit – Emotionality – Impressionability – Tolerance – Analytical mind – Peaceful disposition – Worldly concerns – Sense of harmony – Projection – Worldliness.

Deeply social and liberal-minded, you have a great sense of diplomacy and a gift for reconciling differing viewpoints. Friendly and willing to be of service, you are unable to refuse an appeal for help, and your courtesy can tend toward a certain sentimentalism. As a result, you commit yourself to too many people at the same time, and may sometimes feel spread too thin.

As an artist or student of art, you have a profound sense of beauty (harmony, rhythm, composition, associations and juxtapositions, etc.). You like your independence, but will nevertheless bow to custom and usage in good grace. Your sense of fairness and justice is keen, and you spontaneously take up the cause of the defenseless.

Born seven to ten days after the rising of the new moon, you are said to be a “first quarter” lunar type. This “soli-lunar” configuration means that your character is strong-willed and sometimes proud, always determined to buck convention and innovate. Monotony is unbearable to you, and you chafe under the yoke of routine. As a result, you often run into trouble with authority figures. When overwhelmed by your conscience, you rave about how destructive it is to long for the past, how ridiculous it is to be old-fashioned, and how obsolete the old values are. Generally speaking, your monthly energy flow crests about seven to ten-and-a-half days after the full moon. You would be wise to schedule intensive work phases at that time, as well as ambitious and demanding projects. At that time, your initiatives will be most successful, especially if you are trying to create something new, original, and cutting-edge!

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