What does Ana Gabriel’s psychology tell us about them?

Ana Gabriel tries to control her instincts, but they are always there, waiting to be unleashed. She has a fairly ascetic lifestyle in order to try and keep her instincts in check, but this attitude is not entirely harmless. If she wants to have a more harmonious development, she will have to realize that instincts can be tamed; they do not react positively to being trampled.

Ana Gabriel is winning and attractive. She has an appetite for intense emotional experiences, especially in terms of her relationships. Enjoying the power of her personal appeal, she easily controls her emotions and only rarely reveals the true depth of her feelings. Because her instincts take precedence over her sensitivity, she is capable of becoming jealous, possessive, and even rather harsh, without meaning to. More of a flirt than a voluptuary, she is attentive to desire. As a result, her love life will sometimes be casual and complicated.

Ana Gabriel has a sensitive personality. She may jump to conclusions, which could disrupt relationships, as well as career plans. She is subject to cyclical energy flows and goes from periods of feverish activity to periods of withdrawal and introspection. The aggressive element in her behavior may be explained by emotional problems she may have experienced in infancy: her mother, or a mother figure, may have had an energetic and volatile personality.

Ana Gabriel is emotional and tends to react suddenly and excessively as soon as her sensitivity is touched. Although she feels that her independence, freedom, and self-sufficiency are fundamental values, she is sometimes frustrated by her need to rely on her family or friends. Moreover, she does not always grant the freedom of other people the same respect as her own. Likewise, she is sometimes angered by expressions of maternal tenderness, as if she feared that it would doom her to eternal dependency. Her ambivalent behavior, full of jagged edges, may be traced back to the relationship she had with her mother or a mother figure. Although she was dependent on them, they may have rejected her. Now this attitude is extended to any situation in which her sensitivity comes into play and emotional bonds are liable to form. To ward off her feelings of dependency, she sometimes tends to become destructive. Based on denial, her reactions might be fierce, impulsive, excessive, erratic, or contradictory.

Ana Gabriel is afraid to love. The world of her feelings is characterized by a certain chill and restraint, but she is not unfeeling; on the contrary, her sensitivity is so delicate that she is careful to protect it. Her determination to maintain control of her feelings and force her emotions to obey the laws of reason may stand in the way of intimacy and joy.

Ana Gabriel’s birth chart indicates an emotional function which is usually expressed carefully and reasonably. Distrustful of her emotional urges and somewhat wary of her feelings, she tries to rid herself of all partiality and try to get some perspective and distance before making an emotional commitment.

Ana Gabriel has a complex nature. In love, she is capable of great sacrifice to her interests or her weaknesses. Her sensuality may display a certain cruelty, although she has a potential for fierce attachment. She may become very religious or choose a mystical or esoteric path.

Ana Gabriel is attracted to fairly cold and ethereal people despite her strong sex drive. As a result, her emotional life is reduced to a system of restraints, efforts, duties, and self-denials. However, these romantic interests will have a positive influence on her career and will encourage her in her professional ambitions.

Ana Gabriel is attracted to wide open spaces and distant horizons; as a scholar, she feels an affinity for higher studies such as philosophy or law. However, foreign languages or contacts abroad might also interest her.

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