What is Amy Nelson’s Personality Type?

Amy Nelson is a personality that is oriented towards the mind. She understands and relates to the world around her through thought and intellect. She enjoys memorization, comparison, analysis, and verbalizing her mental imagery. She seeks to extend her personality by mental outreach to a multitude of new ideas and factors, becoming acquainted with an ever-increasing variety of facets of human nature. Thus, language and symbolic expression, written or oral, are her primary resources in life. However, they are also potential pitfalls. Her eloquence, wit, and verve, her mastery of language, unquestionably give her power over other people. But taken to extremes, this faculty may lead to incoherency. It is thus vital for her to find an outlet for her flow of verbal expression. She must explain, communicate, and speak. If it is dammed up, she will undoubtedly suffer. Her flow of words is the expression of her vital energy, the proof that she is alive and well. If she is forced to be silent, she would be cut off from the bonds that hold her together. A kind of duality or split personality might emerge… remember Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? “They” were a classic case. For all of the above reasons, Amy Nelson is naturally gregarious and sociable. She makes friends quickly and easily. Her contacts and networks are important to her, because they enable her to evolve. They are a source of self-fulfillment and identification. Any form of play is also important to her, and only severe depression will deprive her of her playfulness. She sometimes amuse herself by acting out a variety of roles on the stage of life, just for the fun of it. Her animation and wit give her a talent for improvisation and adaptation. However, adaptability is a two-bladed sword. She is liable to find herself in a superficial bind, having jettisoned certain important ideas in order to move about more freely. She is also sensitive, but her emotions and feelings are sometimes subject to the scrutiny and censorship of her intellect. Thus, she cannot free herself to the strength of great passions and energies without idealizing them to a certain degree and giving them intellectual resonance. Wary of her irrational instincts and urges, she tends to control or repress them. But she will do well to learn that the intellect is not omnipotent, especially where instinct is concerned. Inhabiting a complex inner world, she sometimes feels vulnerable, due to her emotionalism and sensitivity to

Amy Nelson needs movement. She is a talented communicator.

Amy Nelson needs others to fulfill herself and accomplish her ambitions.

Amy Nelson is a Leo sun sign native with Gemini rising sign. Her personality profile is summarized with key words that capture the essence of her character. She is determined, proud, and self-assured, but also frivolous, Brilliant, and generous. She is very communicative and positivist, but also has an inner duality.

Amy Nelson was born on the seventh to tenth day after the new moon. This soli-lunar configuration means that she is strong-willed and sometimes proud, always determined to buck convention and innovate. Monotony is unbearable to her, and she chafes under the yoke of routine. As a result, she often runs into trouble with authority figures. When overwhelmed by her conscience, she raves about how destructive it is to long for the past, how ridiculous it is to be old-fashioned, and how obsolete the old values are. Generally speaking, her monthly energy flow crests about seven to ten-and-a-half days after the full moon. She would be wise to schedule intensive work phases at that time, as well as ambitious and demanding projects. At that time, her initiatives will be most successful, especially if she is trying to create something new, original, and cutting-edge!

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