If Adrianne Curry wants to improve, she must become aware of her weaknesses. These could be her pride and temper, her need for praise, and her struggles to tolerate criticism.
Adrianne Curry has developed a fairly radical philosophy which challenges traditional systems of knowledge. In fact, many people shun her as an eccentric trying to spread subversive ideas. She is fairly nervous and impatient and finds it difficult to concentrate on one subject for very long. As a result, she does not always take the time to express her ideas in a practical or tangible way. She is fascinated by novelty and is likely to find the field of communications most rewarding for the total freedom it gives to her need for expression and her innovative, revolutionary spirit. Gradually, as she learns to control her intellectual and nervous energies, she will be able to express her innovative ideas about traditional structures and lifestyles in a more effective way. Her ability to channel her energies and lead groups of followers into unexplored ideological territory will improve.
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