Vidya Gopalan Birthday, Zodiac + Birth Chart

Vidya Gopalan

Birth sign

Vidya Gopalan is a Libra TikTok star known for her fashion, lifestyle, and family content. With over 950,000 followers on her queencitytrends account, Vidya has built a large following on the platform. In addition to her popular fashion videos, Vidya also occasionally posts cooking videos and responds to fan comments.

Born on October 5, 1985 in Charlotte, NC, Vidya has always been creative and interested in fashion. After building a following on TikTok, she has become one of the most popular content creators on the platform. Vidya’s Libra sign is known for its harmony-seeking and balanced nature, which comes through in her content.

Whether she’s posting fashion tips, showing off her latest cooking creation, or responding to fan comments, Vidya is always entertaining and relatable. Her down-to-earth personality and creative content has made her one of the most popular TikTok stars around.

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