Vicki Fehrnstrom Montzingo Birthday, Zodiac + Birth Chart

Vicki Fehrnstrom Montzingo

Birth sign

Vicki Fehrnstrom Montzingo is a TikTok star who uses social media to raise awareness about dwarfism by posting dances and comedy sketches and answering questions about her short stature. She frequently makes duets with other content creators. She has more than 1.9 million followers on her queenmamadrama TikTok account.

Born on October 24, 1959, in California, Fehrnstrom is a Scorpio. She uses her social media platform to educate others about dwarfism and to break down barriers. In her videos, she often addresses common misconceptions about dwarfism and shares her own experiences living with the condition.

Fehrnstrom is a powerful advocate for the dwarfism community. Through her work, she hopes to create a more inclusive world for people of all abilities.

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