Scott Frenzel Birthday, Zodiac + Birth Chart

Scott Frenzel

Birth sign

Scott Frenzel is a comedic social media star and content creator who has gained popularity for the nostalgic, funny and pop culture list videos he posts to his scott.frenzel TikTok account. His fans have helped him earn over 1.9 million followers on the app.

Frenzel was born on June 25, 1995, in Cincinnati, Ohio. He grew up in a small town outside of the city and was always interested in making people laugh. After high school, Frenzel moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career in comedy.

Frenzel’s TikTok account began blowing up in 2019, and he has since become one of the platform’s most popular creators. His videos often feature him talking to the camera about pop culture references from the past, which his Gen Z audience loves.

In addition to his comedic videos, Frenzel is also an accomplished musician. He often posts covers of popular songs on his TikTok account, and he has even released original music.

Frenzel’s positive attitude and charming personality have made him one of the most beloved social media stars around. His Cancer zodiac sign is known for being loyal, emotional and nurturing, which his fans can definitely see in his videos.

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