Nikita Dragun Birthday, Zodiac + Birth Chart

Nikita Dragun

Birth sign

Nikita Dragun is a makeup artist and beauty guru who has gained fame by posting makeup tutorials, vlogs, and challenges to YouTube. She has earned over 3.5 million subscribers on YouTube and has become even more popular on TikTok, where she has amassed over 14 million fans.

Born on January 31, 1996, in Belgium, Nikita Dragun is an Aquarius. She has always had a passion for fashion and beauty and started her YouTube channel in 2014 to share her love of makeup with the world. She has since become one of the most popular beauty influencers on the internet, with millions of fans tuning in to watch her videos every day.

Whether she’s posting makeup tutorials, vlogs, or fashion challenges, Nikita Dragun always brings her unique style and personality to everything she does. She is proof that with hard work and passion, anyone can achieve their dreams.

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