Challan Trishann Birthday, Zodiac + Birth Chart

Challan Trishann

Birth sign

Challan Trishann is a TikTok star and model who is known for her cosplay work as well as her short lip synch and comedy based clips. She shares additional makeup tutorials and Duets through TikTok for her over 5 million fans as well. She has worked with Whalar, an influencer marketing company.

Challan was born on April 16, 1998, in Barbados. She is an Aries, and her zodiac sign is known for its fiery energy and fearless nature. These qualities are evident in Challan’s work as an influencer and content creator. She is constantly pushing herself to try new things and experiment with her content, much to the delight of her millions of fans.

Whether she’s cosplaying as her favorite characters, sharing makeup tips, or making people laugh, Challan is always bringing something new and exciting to the table. It’s no wonder she’s one of the most popular TikTok stars in the world!

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