Gemini Career Strengths

Communication: Whether it’s giving a presentation or writing a memo, Gemini rules at all things in the realm of communication. As a manager or boss, you’ll never be stuck in the dark on what your Gemini employee is working on. As a coworker or subordinate, a Gemini is fantastic at keeping the lines of communication open.

Team Player: There are several reasons you want a Gemini on your team. For starters, they love bringing people together and forming relationships. In fact, most Geminis hate working alone, so they’re great at identifying potential work partners and creating tight knit teams.

Versatile: Agile Geminis can switch topics or tasks at any moment! They are great pitch hitters who can jump onto another assignment at a moment’s notice.

Analytical: Geminis have some of the sharpest minds in the zodiac, able to switch from conversation mode to critical mode instantly.

Cutting Edge: Geminis love staying up to date on the latest trends and best practices.

Read Gemini Daily Horoscope